About You

You are amazing! You work in the field of learning and development, talent development, performance improvement, or any number of associated disciplines. Whether you’re new to this type of work or have been around the block a time or two, you care about the people you serve and the organization(s) in which they work. You solve problems by learning new information and developing new skills, and you help others achieve their goals by doing the same. You’re a pragmatist, not a perfectionist. You’re a team player. You’re versatile. You’re humble. You’re adaptive. You’re resilient.

About ADDIE Academy

ADDIE Academy is your home for information, tips, resources, and education on all things related to learning and development, talent development, performance improvement, and many associated disciplines. These include areas of expertise such as needs analysis, instructional design, curriculum development, learning facilitation, on-the-job training, virtual training, e-learning development, asynchronous online learning, program evaluation, learning technologies, coaching, mentoring, knowledge management, change management, organizational development, human resource development, data and analytics, and technical communication. Welcome home!