Confirmative Evaluation


Take your instructional design success to the next level by building 'confirmative evaluation' into your courses.

This process not only enhances learning effectiveness but also aligns directly with your performance and business goals.

It all starts with identifying the gaps between where we are and where we need to be.
Through careful analysis, we pinpoint these gaps, setting the stage for our objectives and course development.

With our courses in place, we conduct summative evaluation, gathering data to ensure our programs hit the mark on learning objectives.

Yet, the journey doesn't end there.

Beyond summative evaluation lies the realm of confirmative evaluation.

This is where we truly measure success, looking beyond course completion to the real-world impact on employee performance and, ultimately, our organizational goals.

Between three to twelve months post-implementation, we embark on Level 3 Evaluation, diving deep into how our learning programs have enhanced work performance.

From accuracy and efficiency to productivity and quality, we measure what matters.
But we don't stop there.

Level 4 Evaluation takes us a step further, linking learning to tangible business results.
Be it through improved productivity, efficiency, engagement, or customer satisfaction, we're all about the bottom line.

And what about the ultimate measure of success? Level 5 Evaluation calculates the return on investment, or ROI, translating our efforts into the language of financial benefits.
This isn't just about proving value; it's about demonstrating our strategic contribution to the company's success.

By integrating confirmative evaluation into our designs, we're not just creating courses; we're fueling business growth and proving our worth in dollars and cents.

This commitment to business outcomes opens doors to new projects, career advancement, and recognition.

By conducting confirmative evaluation, you can elevate the impact of your work and elevate your career.

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