Design Thinking and ADDIE


Transform your instructional design from outdated to innovative with this creative approach!

Iterative development, deep empathy, and user-centric solutions can revolutionize instructional design when Design Thinking is incorporated into the ADDIE model.

Here are some methods of combining these approaches for enhanced learning experiences.

Analysis should begin with empathy.

It is through interviews, surveys, and observations that we can understand the real needs and problems of learners.

This will ensure that instructional design meets actual requirements rather than assumed ones.

Design innovative and engaging learning strategies in an environment that uses such design thinking tools as brainstorming and storyboarding techniques.

Develop learning modules through rapid prototyping and quickly make new versions of learning modules after receiving comments from your stakeholders.

Quickly benefit from experience through every implementation of our learning programs.

Make adjustments based on continuous audience feedback and changing demands brought on by external contexts.

This way, we ensure our training remains current and valuable to our stakeholders.

Make improvements through iteration and innovation by incorporating evaluation data from all stakeholders.

Now, let's get down to business by putting Design Thinking into our instructional design.

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