Ensuring the Relevance of Your Learning Programs


Instructional designers, listen up!

Have you ever wondered how to make your learners actually care?

In this video, we’ll explore how to make learning deeply relevant and immediately applicable for learners.

Let’s begin.

Consider learning as connecting new insights to existing knowledge, much like piecing together a puzzle.

This method ensures the learning process is both meaningful and effective, building upon what learners already understand.

The importance of immediate applicability cannot be overstated.

It’s essential to demonstrate how new skills address current challenges, directly responding to the learner’s question: “What’s in it for me today?”

Looking to the future is equally important.

Adults particularly value understanding how today’s learning will benefit them tomorrow, ensuring their efforts are worthwhile and forward-looking.

Learning also fulfills various personal needs, from achieving goals to taking risks and building connections.

Tailoring learning experiences to meet these diverse needs makes the process more engaging and fulfilling.

Providing choices in the learning journey is crucial.

When learners have the autonomy to select topics, methods, and formats, it enhances their engagement and personal connection to the material.

By employing these strategies, we aim to transform education into an experience that is not only remembered but also directly impacts the learner’s personal and professional life.

Now, let's get down to business and craft learning experiences that last a lifetime.


This video focuses on simple yet impactful strategies to make learning experiences more relatable and beneficial for learners today and tomorrow. Discover how to build on existing knowledge, highlight the immediate value of new skills, and forecast their future benefits. We also explore aligning lessons with learners' needs and the importance of offering choices to foster a sense of ownership and motivation. Join us in enhancing your instructional design approach with actionable insights that can be applied in any setting. #EngagingLearning #EffectiveTeaching #PracticalEducationTips #FutureReadySkills

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