If You Want to Succeed as an Instructional Designer, Unlearn This!


If you want to succeed as an instructional designer, unlearn this:

Most people believe instructional design is all about creating e-learning.

This is false!

E-learning isn’t a magic bullet — not for your clients, and not for your career.

E-learning development is only one of dozens of instructional design skills.

And nearly every new instructional designer is competing with every other instructional designer already out there in this one skill area.

For a moment, forget about e-learning development and your portfolio.

Instead, start with this question: “Why is any given e-learning course necessary?”

What need or problem is it meant to solve?

Applying the needs analysis process will help you answer these questions.

If you don’t know the needs analysis process, this is a great place to start expanding your own skillset.

This will make you more competitive, valuable, and resilient in the instructional design profession.

Now, those are results worth pursuing!

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