Job Aids for Instructional Designers


Have you ever wondered why some instructional materials fail to stick, while others become indispensable tools?

In this video, we're diving into the art of creating job aids that not only support but transform the learning experience.

Job aids are tools designed to enhance learning and performance at work by providing quick access to information, instructions, or processes necessary for task completion.

These aids are particularly useful in reducing memory load, guiding decision-making, and ensuring consistent execution of tasks.

By integrating job aids into the learning ecosystem, organizations can improve efficiency, accuracy, and employee confidence.

Job aids come in various formats, each suitable for different contexts and learning styles.

When creating job aids, consider the following formats to ensure they meet the needs of your audience.

One: Checklists.

Checklists are Ideal for tasks requiring a specific sequence of steps or when items must not be forgotten.

They promote consistency and completeness.

Two: Flowcharts.

Flowcharts are useful for decision-making processes or tasks with multiple paths.

They visually guide the user through a series of decisions and outcomes.

Three: Quick Reference Guides.

These provide concise, at-a-glance information on processes, formulas, or guidelines.

They’re perfect for complex tasks requiring quick reminders.

Four: Step-by-Step Instructions.

These are best for tasks that are complex and rarely performed.

These instructions ensure each step is executed correctly and in order.

Five: Infographics.

Combine visual elements with brief text to summarize concepts, processes, or data.

Great for visual learners and for simplifying complex information.

Here are some examples of job aids in different industries.


A checklist for patient safety protocols during surgery.

This aid helps medical staff ensure that all necessary safety checks are performed before, during, and after a surgical procedure.


A flowchart for troubleshooting common machinery faults.

Operators can follow the chart to diagnose and address issues without needing immediate expert intervention.


A quick reference guide for employees on handling various customer service scenarios, including returns, complaints, and special requests.

This guide supports consistent, high-quality customer interactions.

Information Technology.

Step-by-step instructions for installing or configuring software.

This aids IT personnel or end-users in correctly setting up software applications, reducing errors and support calls.


An infographic on food safety and hygiene practices for kitchen staff.

By visually presenting critical information, it ensures these practices are easily remembered and applied.

When designing job aids, remember to tailor them to the task complexity, user needs, and the environment in which they will be used.

Ensure the content is clear, concise, and visually appealing to facilitate quick understanding and application.

Finally, incorporate job aids into your e-learning and course activities so learners can use them exactly as they would back on the job.

This will significantly enhance your learners’ ability to apply what they've learned in real-world scenarios, thereby improving overall job performance and satisfaction.

Now, let’s get down to business and make job aids that truly enhance learning application, workplace performance, and business impact.

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