Merrill's First Principles of Instruction


Ever wondered how to elevate your instructional design to the next level?

Let's dive into the First Principles of Instruction by M. David Merrill.

These principles are the cornerstone for creating effective learning environments and processes that truly engage and educate.

First off, real-world problems are your best friend.

Kickstart the learning journey with straightforward challenges and gradually escalate to more intricate scenarios.

This approach not only captivates learners but also mirrors the complexity they'll face outside the classroom.

Then, let's talk scaffolding.

Activating existing knowledge forms the bedrock for new skills.

It's about building on what learners already know, connecting dots from past experiences to new insights.

Show, don't just tell.

Demonstrating new knowledge is key.

It’s about making abstract concepts tangible, allowing learners to see theories in action.

Now, put theory into practice.

Encourage learners to apply what they've learned in real-life problem-solving.

This active application reinforces knowledge and hones skills.

Lastly, integration is crucial.

Empower learners to weave new skills into their daily routines, ensuring they can adapt and apply their learning in real-world contexts.

Remember, effective learning orbits around real-world problems, engaging learners in a full spectrum of tasks they'll encounter beyond the learning environment.

Now, let's get down to business, crafting learning experiences that demand application and reflection.


Unlock the full potential of your instructional design with our latest video on Merrill's First Principles of Instruction. Dive deep into the essentials of creating engaging, effective learning environments that bridge the gap between theory and practice. From leveraging real-world problems to scaffold new knowledge on existing experiences, this video explores how to captivate learners by showing rather than telling, encouraging the application of new skills, and integrating learning into daily life. Perfect for instructional designers and e-learning developers looking to enhance their strategies with proven principles. Whether you're new to the field or seeking to refine your approach, this video offers valuable insights into making learning experiences more impactful. Don't miss out on transforming your instructional design to be problem-centered and learner-focused. Subscribe for more tips on elevating your e-learning content

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