Stop Doing THIS and Start Doing THIS Instead!


Stop doing this one thing and start doing this instead.

Stop accepting stakeholder requests to create courses and start asking questions first.

Ask questions to help your stakeholder identify the business problem.

Questions like, “What business measures do you want to improve as an outcome of this program?”

Stakeholders often don’t fully understand this question, so ask questions like, “What needle on the management dashboard do you want to move?”

Probe further by suggesting business measures, such as “sales figures,” “quarterly profits,” “customer satisfaction,” and “employee retention.”

Keep asking until you have a clear business problem to solve.

The entire ADDIE process begins with this business problem and ends with measuring the impact of your learning program on it.

Don’t get sidetracked from bringing value to your stakeholders.

Ask questions, identify the business problem, and maintain a clear focus on this problem throughout the entire project.

And please stop taking requests to create courses without asking questions first.

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