Summative Evaluation


 Whether you're experienced or new to program evaluation, there's always something more to learn, especially about what managers really want to know.

The goal of evaluation is straightforward: to assess how well our learning programs meet their objectives. But are we focusing on the right areas? Let's dive deeper.

Summative Evaluation is our immediate post-program check-in, measuring participant demographics, satisfaction, and learning outcomes. It's different from Confirmative Evaluation, which looks at long-term impacts.

But there's more to the story.

At Level 2, we're all about learning outcomes. How well do participants understand and apply what they've learned? This might mean performance tests for 'how-to' programs or other creative assessments.

Descending to Level 1, we measure participants' reactions. It's not just about happy faces on surveys; we're looking for deeper insights into the learning experience, from the program's relevance to its pace and quality.

Gathering this feedback is crucial. It helps us tailor future programs and ensure they're impactful, relevant, and well-received.

And then there's Level 0, often overlooked but vitally important.

It's the raw data: who's participating, the resources used, and the demographics.

This is what managers are keen to know.

Why the focus on Level 0? It's about visibility and value.

Knowing the breadth and depth of engagement helps managers understand the program's reach and its cost-effectiveness.

So, you might have focused on learning outcomes and participant reactions.

But if you're not also capturing and reporting Level 0 data, you're missing a piece of the puzzle that managers really care about.

Start collecting and showcasing Level 0 data.

It strengthens your relationship with decision-makers and enriches your program evaluations.

Remember, every piece of data helps us build better, more effective learning programs.

Together, we can ensure our learning programs are not just effective, but also aligned with what our managers, and ultimately our organizations, need to succeed.

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