Summative Evaluation - People Inputs


Don't make this mistake when evaluating your learning programs.

From the drawing board to delivery, numerous contributors bring your learning programs to life.

Every manager, supervisor, subject matter expert, developer, instructor, participant, and supporter plays a pivotal role.

Don’t make the mistake of omitting these contributions when calculating your program costs.

Without these calculations, it’s impossible to improve the efficiency of the work that goes into your learning programs.

Even worse, it’s impossible to calculate any program’s return on investment without an accurate accounting of how much money the company has invested in it.

Therefore, account for everyone's involvement, no matter how small, as each contribution is a program input that figures into the program's total costs.

And be sure to capture everybody's input so you can show the value of your learning programs to the company.

Now, let's get out there and get down to business!

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